Category Archives: Knitting Info

Loom Knitting

Also referred to as French knitting, reel knitting, spool knitting, box knitting, rake knitting, ring knitting, bung knitting, frame knitting etc.; loom knitting is an ancient art that has recently seen resurgence. Knitting, today is popular the world over. And the foray of knitting looms in the world of knitting has given all knitters a reason to smile. Looms were used extensively in the medieval age in countries like Britain, France, Germany and many other places in Europe. People used the technique of loom knitting to knit […]

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Knitting Looms

Knitting is an old art form which has regained popularity in recent times, so is the case with the knitting looms. Knitting on looms is much easier than knitting on needles. Various manufactures produce knitting looms that can be used by knitter at home. These are easy and convenient items that help to make knitting interesting. These knitting looms range from, plastic looms to the heavy duty wooden looms. The knitting looms available in the market, belong to the various shapes and sizes, including round, oval and […]

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Knitting Bag

A knitting bag is as important as a needle for knitting. These bags make your project portable and easy to carry. It is important to have a good knitting bag which caters to your basic knitting needs. These bags have special compartments for your needles, yarns, and so on. While choosing a knitting bag, always keep in mind the type of project you undertake. If you are a person who makes sweaters, Afghans etc then you will need a larger bag than the person preparing socks, and […]

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